Monday, February 27, 2012

Cheese and Wine Evening

We would like to thank all the organisers and helpers who made the Social Evening very enjoyable.   The cheese and wine was very interesting, especially the Mexican,  great fun watching members trying that one.  Nice to see people all being very sociable and as far as we were concerned enjoyed the get together. 
Pat and Bert Leadbetter

Sunday, February 26, 2012

Kinara Art Group Annual Lunch

We had our Annual Lunch on Friday 24th February at The North Pole Pub, East Malling. It was a great turnout with 34 including spouses. The food was excellent, a carvery of beef, gammon and turkey with an extensive selection of vegetables plus a huge Yorkshire pudding. The service was very good and the meal definitely value for money. Everyone seemed to enjoy the lunch and good company.
Roy Williams suggested the North Pole after the good food and service he and Christine experienced celebrating their Silver Wedding Anniversary Luncheon last year. Good choice Roy. Well done!

Well done and thank you Eileen, for arranging it all!
Roy. xx

Sunday, February 19, 2012

Kinara Meeting 16th Feb 2012

Here are some photographs of members at the meeting on 16th February and the guest speaker Peter Jones Head of finger printing at New Scotland Yard.

Sunderland v. Arsenal

Hello - I told you all at the meeting to watch Sunderland v. Arsenal in the FA Cup today. We won 2-0 and I am a very happy Chairman.

Monday, February 13, 2012

Newsletter February 2012

Monthly Meeting 16th February 2012
Speaker Peter Jones, Head of Finger-printing at Scotland Yard. 

Saturday 25th February 2012 7pm for 7.30 Cheese and Wine Evening

Saturday 24th March  7pm for 7.30 Barn Dance

Saturday 2st April 7pm for 7.30 Fun Quiz

28th May to 1st June Potters 5 Star Holiday near Great Yarmouth

Thursday 14th June or Tuesday 3rd July at 6pm Medway trip on the Allington Belle from the Malta Inn

Tuesday 10th July trip to Le Touquet

Tuesday 4th September Day trip to Highclere Castle (Downton Abbey)

Regular Activities:
Walk and pub lunch - TBA
Ten Pin Bowling first Thursday each month at 10am
Keep Fit every Wednesday 9.30am to 10.30am
Art Group Mondays 2pm to 4pm and Friday 10am to noon
Short Mat Bowling Mondays and Wednesdays 2pm to 4.30pm.