Friday, March 14, 2014


As you may know the Kings Hill Community Centre hall floor is undergoing extensive renovations. The work is taking longer than originally anticipated and will not be completed until late April/early May.

The Kinara Committee have therefore had to spend some considerable time and effort making alternative arrangements. We are pleased to say that we have found a very suitable venue for both the 20th March and 17th April Kinara Meetings. These two meetings will now be held, at the usual time of 2pm, at:

East Malling Village Hall, New Road, East Malling, ME19 6DD

The hall can easily be found. From the W. Malling Bypass drive along the A20 towards Larkfield and then turn right at the traffic lights outside B &Q, into New Road. The hall is just over half a mile down this road, on the right (before the King & Queen pub). There is a car park outside the front of the hall, with further spaces at the back.

It would be appreciated if you would support your Committee’s efforts by attending the meeting. Please bring your chequebook as there are several payments due at the March meeting:
  • Nick Bosworth Musical Evening 22nd March £8.
  • Fun Quiz 26th April £8.
  • N. Wales Holiday 12th-16th May £130 (+ £11 cancellation insurance, if required).
  • Broadstairs/Thanet Catering College 20th May £25. Also to make menu choices.
  • Regents Canal/Camden Market 17th June £21.
  • Also the Luncheon Club list for 8th April will be going on the board.

As Roger is away on holiday Brian will be chairing the meeting and will be most upset if you do not come!!

Please note that the Nick Bosworth Musical Evening on 22nd March and the Fun Quiz on 26th April will still be going ahead in the Kings Hill Community Centre but will be held upstairs in the Youth Hall (entrance via the door nearest to the car park). The Youth Hall is big enough to hold the numbers attending these events but not big enough for the Kinara Meetings.

Newsletter for March 2014

Meetings 3rd Thursday of each month 
Anna Golden

*The Meetings for March and April will be held at East Malling Village Hall at 2.00pm

Next Meeting 20th March 2014

Speaker for March Anna Golden - Entertainer
Remembering the 60's and 70's

An Evening of Music & Entertainment with Nick Bosworth Saturday 22nd March 7.00 for 7.30pm
*This event will now be held in the Youth Hall at Kings Hill which is located on the first floor. A lift is available if required
Cost £8.00 Bring your own Supper & Drinks
Contact :- Gerald Read (01732 841601)

Luncheon Club Tuesday 8th April at The Old Rectory - Oxley Shaw Lane 12.00 for 12.30pm (Limited to a maximum of 32 Members)
Contact: Eileen Read (01732 841601) or Audrey Reading (01732 843918)

Fun Quiz, Saturday 26th April 7.00 for 7.30pm
*This event will now be held in the Youth Hall at Kings Hill
Cost £8.00 per Member (including supper) Bring your own drinks
Contact :- Brian Collin (01622 791347)

Holiday - St. Kilda Hotel, Llandudno, North Wales Monday 12th- Friday 16th. May. Half board
Cost £305 per Member.(+£11.00 Cancellation Insurance--if required)
Coach will leave Tower View at 9.00am
Contact:- Mo Bussell (01732 840010)

Broadstairs and Lunch at Thanet Catering College, Tuesday 20th May
Cost £25.00 per Member (inc. coach and 3 course lunch)
Coach will leave Tower View at 9.15am
Contact- Joan Barrett (01622 812595)

Little Venice Canal Cruise and Camden Market, Tuesday 17th June
Cost £21.00 per Member (inc. coach and Canal Cruise)
Coach will leave Tower View at 9am
Contact:- Alan Hill (01622 813205)

Trip to Greenwich including Thames Cable, Cutty Sark, Wednesday 16th July
Cost approx £15.00 Per Member (coach only) Thames cable car, Cutty Sark and Lunch, optional extras
Contact:- Roy Williams (01732 847795)

Visit to Waddesdon Manor, Tuesday 19th August
Cost £28.00 per Member (£15.00 for NT members)
Note! NT Members must ensure they have their membership cards with them on the day.
Contact: Dick Tolman (01732 873131)

10 Pin Bowling Ist Thursday of each month at the Hollywood Bowl (Medway Valley Leisure Park) at 10am
Contact :- Alan Hill (01622 813205)

Walk and Pub Lunch, change to 4th Thursday of each month
The walk for March will be from The North Pole. We meet at 10am for a 10.30 start
Contact :-  Mike Chapman (01732 841078)

Keep Fit (Unisex) each Wednesday at the Centre from 9.30 am until 10.30 am. Cost £3.50 per session.
*The Keep Fit will start again on Wednesday 19th March at the KCC Commercial Services building, 20 Gibson Drive, Kings Hill
Contact :- Jill Joselin 01732 875526

Art Groups with help and advice for newcomers each Monday at the Centre, Mondays from 1.30pm until 3.30pm or Fridays from 11.15am until 1.15pm, Cost £3.00 per session
*Art Groups will meet in the Youth Hall at the revised times until further notice 
Contact:- Eileen Read (01732 841601) or Shirley Debona (01622 763740)

Short Mat Bowling with help and advice for newcomers each Monday and Wednesday at the Centre from 2.00 pm until 4.30 pm. Cost £3.50 per session
*There will be no Bowls during  March or April
Contact:- Alan Hill (01622 813205) or Mo Bussell (01732 840010)

The new membership list is now open. See Joan Barrett for details

Payment Due Schedule
Please bring your cheque book with you
Payment Due
Musical Evening
Gerald Read
£130 (final payment)
Richard Tessier
Fun Quiz
Gerald Read
Little Venice Canal Cruise
Ron Reading
March/ April
Thanet Catering College
Joan Barrett
Trip to Greenwich
Roy Williams


Visit the KINARA Blog-----------------
Post Articles on the KINARA Blog.----
To receive your Newsletter please send your e-mail address to Gerald Read at
To receive your Newsletter by post please provide a SAE to Gerald or Eileen Read
Please make sure our Membership Secretary (Joan Barrett) has up-to-date details
 of your home address, telephone no: and e-mail address

*Changes to "in house" events are due to work being carried out on floor coverings in the main halls