Next Meeting and AGM 25th April 2013
There will not be a Speaker at this meeting
Please Note: The May Meeting will now be held on 23rd May
Quiz Night Saturday 27th April 7.00 for 7.30pmCost £7.00 per member (including Supper)
Contact Roger Chapple (01732 843964)
Torquay Holiday All Inclusive - 5 Days - Derwent HotelMonday 13th May - Friday 17th May
Coach will leave Tower View at 9.00am
Cost £265.00 Per Member.+ Optional Cancellation Insurance £10.00 each
Contact:- Ron Simpson (01732 874041)
Visit to Cambridge & Wimpole Hall Tuesday 18th JuneCost £25.00 per Member (£15.00 for NT members)
Note!NT Members must ensure they have their membership cards with them on the day.
Contact: Dick Tolman (01732 873131)
River Trip to London on Pocahontas Tuesday 16th July (approx 9.15am to 5.00pm)Cost approximately £37.00 per Member (including Ploughman's lunch aboard)
Contact:- Ron Simpson (01732 874041)
Visit to The Palace of Westminster, a visit is being arranged that may be on a MondayCost approximately £15.00 per Member
This visit will be limited to 40 members only
Regular Activities
Walk and Pub Lunch 2nd Thursday of each month
Walk for 9th May will be from the North Pole pub and will be through woodland to see (hopefully) the Bluebells in bloom. There will be a poster at this month’s meeting with details.
Contact :- Mike Chapman (01732 841078)
10 Pin Bowling 1st Thursday of each month At the Bowls Centre - Maidstone at 10.00 am
Contact :- Alan Hill (01622 813205)
Keep Fit (Unisex) each Wednesday at the Centre from 9.30 am until 10.30 am.
Cost £3.50 per session.
There will be no keep fit on Wednesday 15th May
Contact :- Brenda Simpson (01732 874041)
Art Groups with help and advice for newcomers at the Centre, Mondays from 2.00pm until 4.00pm or Fridays from 10am until 12.00am, Cost £3.00 per session
Contact:- Eileen Read (01732 841601) or Shirley Debona (01622 763740)
Short Mat Bowling each Monday and Wednesday at the Centre from 2.00 pm until 4.30 pm. Cost £3.50 per session
There will be no bowls on Monday 6th May & 13th May or Wednesday 15th May
Contact:- Alan Hill (01622 813205) or Mo Bussell (01732 840010)
Payment Due Schedule
Payment Due
Quiz Night
Mo Bussell
Cambridge &
Wimpole Hall
£25.00 (15.00)
Dick Tolman
Approx £37.00
Ron Simpson
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- To receive your Newsletter please send your e-mail address to Gerald Read at grr@novi.co.uk
- To receive your Newsletter by post please provide a Stamped Addressed envelope to Gerald or Eileen Read