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The river Medway at Maidstone |
Meetings 3rd Thursday of each month at Kings Hill Community Centre from 2.00pm until 4.00pm
Next Meeting 18th July
Speaker for July - Graham Johnson "River Medway - Part 2"
AugustVisit to The Houses of Parliament Monday 5th August Cost £16.00 per member Coach leaves Tower View at 9.00 am
Contact:- Roger Chapple (01732 843964)
Luncheon Club Tuesday 13 August at 12.30 pm at Buddah's Belly - Maidstone, see Notice Board for further details Contact: Audrey Reading (01732 843918) or Eileen Read (01732 841601)
Jazz Night with Dr. Jazz Wednesday 31st August 7.00 for 7.30 pm
Cost £10.00 per member, bring you own food
Contact:- Alan Hill (01622 813205)
Quiz Night Saturday 14th September 7.00 for 7.30 pm
Cost £7.00 per member including a Fish & Chip Supper Contact:- Mo Bussell (01732 840010) or Ron Simpson (01732 874041)
Ray Spiller Evening Saturday 19th October 7.00 for 7.30 pm
Cost £8.00 per member, bring you own food
Contact:- Ron Reading (01732 843918)
Trip to see Cabaret at Tunbridge Wells Wednesday 13th November
Cost Approx £35.00 per member - including coach
Contact:- Joan Barratt (01622 812595)

Cost £8.00 (including Buffet Supper)
Contact :- Eileen Read (01732 841601)
Christmas Lunch Thursday 19th December at Hadlow Manor
Cost £22.00 per member
Contact :-Joan Barratt (01622 812595)
Regular Activities
Walk and Pub Lunch 2nd Thursday of each month Walk for July to be advised
Contact :- Mike Chapman (01732 841078
10 Pin Bowling 1st Thursday of each month at the Bowls Centre - Maidstone at 10.00 am
Contact :- Alan Hill (01622 813205)
Keep Fit (Unisex) each Wednesday at the Centre from 9.30 am until 10.30 am.
Cost £3.50 per session.
Contact :- Jill Joselin 01732 875526
Art Groups with help and advice for newcomers each Monday and Friday at the Centre, Mondays from 2.00pm until 4.00pm or Fridays from 10am until 12.00am, Cost £3.00 per session
Contact:- Eileen Read (01732 841601) or Shirley Debona (01622 763740)
Short Mat Bowling each Monday and Wednesday at the Centre from 2.00 pm until 4.30 pm.
Cost £3.50 per session
Contact:- Alan Hill (01622 813205) or Mo Bussell (01732 840010)
Payment Due Schedule
Payment Due
Houses of Parliament
Dick Tolman
Jazz Night
Mo Bussell
Quiz Night
Mo Bussell
Note! For all future events at Kings Hill Community Centre drinks must be purchased from the bar
KINARA Blog URL: http://kinaratimesblog.blogspot.com/
See (and download) the latest issue of The KINARA TIMES Magazine - online
Post Articles on the KINARA Blog, send by email to pippinway60.kinara2@blogger.com
See (and download) the latest issue of The KINARA TIMES Magazine - online
Post Articles on the KINARA Blog, send by email to pippinway60.kinara2@blogger.com
To receive your Newsletter by post please provide a Stamped Addressed envelope to Gerald or Eileen Read
Please make sure our Membership Secretary (Joan Barratt) has up-to-date details of your home address, telephone no: and e-mail address
Please make sure our Membership Secretary (Joan Barratt) has up-to-date details of your home address, telephone no: and e-mail address