Wednesday, January 15, 2014


From: "" <>
Sent: Wednesday, 15 January 2014, 14:38
Subject: Kent Community Messaging - Mid kent - Scam

[Reference: Scam]

This is a general warning about a particularly nasty scam of a type called "ransomware"

People have received a pop up message on their computer telling them that their files have been encrypted and to send money, usually £100 within 72 hours or all of their files will be deleted.

Deleting the Virus will not release your files!

Further information can be obtained by searching for "CryptoLocker"

Kent police

Reply using email

Kent Community Messaging

If you are forwarding this email to recipients who may publish the content, then please remove personal details and attribute to Kent Police Neighbourhood Watch.

Sunday, January 12, 2014

Newsletter for January 2014

Meetings 3rd Thursday of each month at Kings Hill Community Centre from 2.00pm until 4.00pm
Next Meeting 16th January 2014

Speaker for January - Mel Rees - "And another thing I meant to say"

January 2014
Beetle Drive
Saturday 25th January 7.00 for 7.30pm
Cost £7.00 per member (including Supper)
Contact Brian Collin (01622 791347)

Luncheon Club
Tuesday 11th February at Buddha Belly (Maidstone)
A list will be posted at the January Meeting
Contact: Eileen Read (01732 841601)

An Evening of Music & Entertainment
- With Nick Bosworth Saturday 22nd March 7.00 for 7.30pm
Since he turned professional, Nick has developed an extensive library of over 400 songs. He is able to play and sing over 5 decades of popular music with a wide range of styles so that he can provide the right music for an occasion
Cost £8.00 per member   Bring your own supper
Contact :- Roger Chapple (01732 843964)

Fun Quiz
Saturday 26th April 7.00 for 7.30pm
Cost £8.00 per member (including supper)
Contact :- Brian Collin (01622 791347)

Holiday - St. Kilda Hotel, Llandudno, North Wales
Monday 12th- Friday 16th. May. Half board
Cost £305 per member.
Contact: Mo Bussell (01732 840010)

Broadstairs and Lunch at Thanet Catering College Tuesday 20th May
Cost approx £25.00 (inc. coach and 3 course lunch). Coach will leave Tower View at 9.30am
Contact Joan Barrett (01622 812595)

Little Venice Canal Cruise and Camden Market
Tuesday 17th June
Cost approx £20.00 (inc. coach and Canal Cruise) Coach will leave Tower View at 9am
Contact Alan Hill (01622 813295)

Regular Activities
10 Pin Bowling 1st Thursday of each month at the Hollywood Bowl (Medway Valley Leisure Park) at 10am
Contact :- Alan Hill (01622 813205)

Walk and Pub Lunch 2nd Thursday of each month
The walk for February will be from The Freemasons Arms (Ham Hill). We meet at 10am for a 10.30 start
Contact :-  Mike Chapman (01732 841078)

Keep Fit (Unisex) each Wednesday at the Centre from 9.30 am until 10.30 am. Cost £3.50 per session.
*The Keep Fit on Wednesday 19th February will be moved to the Youth Hall and there will be no Keep Fit on Wednesday 26th February
Contact :- Jill Joselin 01732 875526

Art Groups each Monday and Friday with help and advice for newcomers at the Centre, Mondays from 2.00pm until 4.00pm or Fridays from 10am until 12.00am, Cost £3.00 per session
*The Art Group for Monday 17th and Monday 24th February will be moved  to the Youth Hall and on Friday 21st The Art Group will be moved  to the Youth Hall at a new time of 9.30am-11.30am
Contact:- Eileen Read (01732 841601) or Shirley Debona (01622 763740)

Short Mat Bowling each Monday and Wednesday with help and advice for newcomers at the Centre from 2.00 pm until 4.30 pm. Cost £3.50 per session
*There will be no Bowls on Monday 17th, Wednesday 19th, Monday 24th  or Wednesday 26th February
Contact:- Alan Hill (01622 813205) or Mo Bussell (01732 840010)

The new membership list is now open. See Joan Barrett for details

Payment Due Schedule

Payment Due
Beetle Drive
Gerald Read
Musical Evening
Gerald Read
£135 (part payment)
Mo Bussell
£130 (final payment)
Mo Bussell
Fun Quiz
Brian Collin

*Changes to "in house" events are due to work being carried out on floor coverings in the main halls

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To receive your Newsletter please send your e-mail address to Gerald Read at
To receive your Newsletter by post please provide a Stamped Addressed envelope to Gerald or Eileen Read