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Leeds Castle |
at the Kings Hill Community Centre - 2.00pm to 4.00pm
Next meeting - 19th November
Speaker: Dr Ann Kneif – “Leeds Castle”
Luncheon Club 10th November –“King & Queen” East Malling - 12.00 for 12.30Contact:- Eileen Read (01732 841601) or Audrey Reading (01732 843918)
Christmas Concert Albert Hall Monday 7th December
(Coach Leaves 5.00pm From Tower View)
Approx cost £35 per member including return Coach Trip.
Contact:- Mo Bussell (01732 840010)
Christmas Lunch 17th December at Hadlow Manor - 12.30 for 1pm
Cost £25 per Member
Menus will be available at the next meeting.
Contact:- Joan Barrett (01622 812595)
Elvis Musical Evening 16th January
Cost £8 per Member Bring your own food & drinks
Contact:- Mo Bussell (01732 840010)
Professional Opera Singer with String Quartet Singing a selection from famous Operas
Friday 18th March - Bring your own food & drinks.
Approx. Cost £10 per Member.
Contact:- Dick Tolman (01732 873131)
Spring Dinner Dance Hadlow Manor Friday April 15th
Approx Cost £35 per member
Holiday in Bournemouth - Elstead Hotel 5 Nights 6 Days - Sunday 8th May to Friday 13th
Approx Cost £290 per Member (6 Single rooms available @ no extra cost)
Contact:- Michael Gladden (01732 529547)
Regular Activities
10 Pin Bowling 1st Thursday of each month at the Hollywood Bowl (Medway Valley Leisure Park) at 10am
Contact :- Alan Hill (01622 813205)
Walk and Pub Lunch 4th Thursday of each month
Thursday 26th November 10.00 for 10.15 from the North Pole (between East Malling and Wateringbury)
Contact Mike Chapman 01732 841078
Keep Fit (Unisex) - All Members Welcome each Wednesday at the Centre from 9.30am. until 10.30 am. Cost £4.00 per session.
Contact Jill Joslin 01732 875526
Art Groups including Crafts with help and advice for newcomers at the Centre, Mondays from 2.00pm until 4.00pm and Fridays from 10am until 12.00am.
Cost £3.00 per session.
Contact:- Eileen Read (01732 841601) or Shirley Debona (01622 763740)
Short Mat Bowling with help and advice for newcomers at the Centre, Monday and Wednesday from 2.00 pm until 4.30 pm.
Cost £4.00 per session---£2.00 per half session.
Contact:- Alan Hill (01622 813205) Monday or Dick Tolman (01732 873131) Wednesday
The new Membership list is NOW OPEN. If you know anyone who is interested in KINARA Membership please see Joan Barrett for details.
Payment Due Schedule
Payment Due
Christmas Lunch
Elvis Evening January
Please bring your cheque book with you!!
Visit the KINARA Blog at http://kinaratimesblog.blogspot.com/
Post Articles and/or pictures on the KINARA Blog by emailing them to pippinway60.kinara2@blogger.com
To receive your Newsletter please send your e-mail address to Roger Chapple at roger.suec@live.co.uk
To receive your Newsletter by post please provide a SAE to Roger Chapple
Please make sure our Membership Secretary (Joan Barrett) has up-to-date details of your home address, telephone no: and e-mail address