Friday, March 14, 2014


As you may know the Kings Hill Community Centre hall floor is undergoing extensive renovations. The work is taking longer than originally anticipated and will not be completed until late April/early May.

The Kinara Committee have therefore had to spend some considerable time and effort making alternative arrangements. We are pleased to say that we have found a very suitable venue for both the 20th March and 17th April Kinara Meetings. These two meetings will now be held, at the usual time of 2pm, at:

East Malling Village Hall, New Road, East Malling, ME19 6DD

The hall can easily be found. From the W. Malling Bypass drive along the A20 towards Larkfield and then turn right at the traffic lights outside B &Q, into New Road. The hall is just over half a mile down this road, on the right (before the King & Queen pub). There is a car park outside the front of the hall, with further spaces at the back.

It would be appreciated if you would support your Committee’s efforts by attending the meeting. Please bring your chequebook as there are several payments due at the March meeting:
  • Nick Bosworth Musical Evening 22nd March £8.
  • Fun Quiz 26th April £8.
  • N. Wales Holiday 12th-16th May £130 (+ £11 cancellation insurance, if required).
  • Broadstairs/Thanet Catering College 20th May £25. Also to make menu choices.
  • Regents Canal/Camden Market 17th June £21.
  • Also the Luncheon Club list for 8th April will be going on the board.

As Roger is away on holiday Brian will be chairing the meeting and will be most upset if you do not come!!

Please note that the Nick Bosworth Musical Evening on 22nd March and the Fun Quiz on 26th April will still be going ahead in the Kings Hill Community Centre but will be held upstairs in the Youth Hall (entrance via the door nearest to the car park). The Youth Hall is big enough to hold the numbers attending these events but not big enough for the Kinara Meetings.

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