Tuesday, September 15, 2020

Newsletter for September 2020

 Message from the Chairman 

As you can see from Roger's remarks below, we are busy arranging events for next year! Clearly we are restricted by government guidelines but we WILL be back as soon as possible. Let us know if you have any questions or (constructive) suggestions - we are always willing to listen. 

Hope to see you all soon ! 

Keep Well and Keep Smiling, Richard


Due to social distancing rules and the Community Hall’s requirements for the wearing of masks, and the need to sanitise the equipment before and after each meeting, we do not expect to have a KINARA Thursday meeting until the New Year. 
We will keep you informed as to when we will be getting back to some sort of normality.

Your committee has been meeting to try and put forward a programme of events for next year, details of which are below. The date and times are yet to be confirmed and will be subject to any government requirements.

Proposed Events

Feb Quiz
Mar Amazon Warehouse
Apr Emmets Gardens/Chartwell
May Broadstairs & Thanet Catering College
June 22-26 Potters
July Colchester & River Deben Cruise
Aug Summer Social Evening
Sept Brighton Trip
Oct Fun Quiz
Nov Party Night with Nick Bosworth
Dec Kinara Christmas Lunch

Registering for events and payments will be during January subject to being able to start our normal meetings.

Please contact Joan Barrett if a sympathy or get well card is needed to be sent on behalf of Kinara (her phone number is 01622 812595)

All Regular Activities are suspended for the time being.

10 Pin Bowling 1st Thursday  of each month at the Hollywood Bowl (Medway Valley Leisure Park) at 10am 

Walk and Pub Lunch 4th Thursday Thursday of each month 10.15 for 10.30am.

Art Groups each Monday and Friday  including Crafts with help and advice for newcomers.

Short Mat Bowling each Monday and Wednesday  with help and advice for newcomers.

Visit the KINARA Blog-----------------http://kinaratimesblog.blogspot.com/ Post Articles on the KINARA Blog.----pippinway60.kinara2@blogger.com To receive your Newsletter please send your e-mail address to Roger Chapple at roger.suec@live.co.uk To receive your Newsletter by post please provide a SAE to Roger Chapple Please make sure our Membership Secretary (Joan Barrett) has up-to-date details of your home address, telephone no: and e-mail address.

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